Restart and Restart Again

Chris Brogan Why do people look at failures as such a bad thing? Why not look at it as feedback. "Well, that didn't work. Now what?" That's the magic pair of sentences, by the way. That gives you something that so many people overlook: your invitation to restart.

Restart and Restart Again

I've fallen off my personal fitness wagon. Depression and stress got in the way (the excuses never matter) and whatever, but I stopped going to the gym so often, started eating bad things again, and kapow. Here I am back at the start.Guess what happens next? I start again. I just get back to the gym, get back on my eating plan, get back to the work.You can do this in business. Why not? What is the benefit of sitting around wallowing in your failure? Accept that something went wrong, figure out the next steps, take them. Repeat. Repeat. Just get started. Again.

We Waste So Much Energy

I have no interest in figuring out why I got off the wagon and gained back some weight. "Oh, but you don't want to repeat the mistake again." True. So I'll keep my eyes open. I will NOT wait around and analyze a ton more.Analysis is noble masturbation quite often. YES, sometimes it's really helpful. Yes, sometimes, you damn yourself by just diving back in again.However, MANY PEOPLE waste so much time by devoting it to "that whatever it is you do instead of getting back to the work at hand."Don't do that.

Get Back At It

Maybe you have failed at your goals recently. Great. Start again. Get back to it. Launch. Make something. Do something. DOOOOOO SOMETHINGGGGG.It's so much better than complaining about it all, analyzing it all, etc.Want a good starting point?The 20 Minute Plan JUMPSTART is a great framework. I'm using it myself.

Chloe Forbes-Kindlen

Hi, friend! I’m here to help you build a profitable website, with ease! I do because I believe everyone has a right to the education and support needed to execute their mission.

Busy is a Trap


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