Cake in the Supreme Court. Google and eBay Partner Up. What Nordstrom Does Well. - The Brief for 12.05.17

Here are the notes from the Chris Brogan Media broadcast for 12/05/17. (You can watch this on my Facebook account).The goal of these posts is that there are trends and ideas here that might impact your business now or soon. Think on the stories here and look for ways to adjust your business accordingly. If ever you’re stuck, get in touch with me and I can help.This live video was all shot using Ecamm Live (client), the best way to do Facebook Live for Mac.Please note that all links may be affiliate links. If someone is a client, I'll call that out specifically.

Stories Shared

Google just released an app called Files Go that helps you skinny up your Android phone. No real trend here. Just useful.Ebay just made a project with Google Home that lets you browse their wares. Pretty cool.What does Nordstrom do that you can learn from? Turns out lots. This is where shop experiences must go.YouTube points out how AI can fail us. They're hiring 10,000 people to deal with dangerous and unseemly videos.But a cool YouTube video? Check out Best Cover Ever starring Ludacris.Verticals or horizontals? Quickr in India says vertical. Worth thinking about.AOL founder Steve Case just launched a $150 Million fund for rural startup development.Free speech vs human rights. That's how the US Supreme Court version of the cake battle is being framed.Cute comics that teach kids tolerance and diversity?You can have that.The video game Overwatch is shoring up its big boy pants with eSports league colors and a new token currency to go with it. There's even a Boston team to root for!I love showing cosplay from all around the world, butnobody beats Tokyo at this game.Hey, if this has been interesting, consider picking up my weekly newsletter. It's all unique ideas by me about how to improve buyer interactions and grow your business. Give it a peek

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