Habits - It's Not What You Think

chrisbrogan A lot of folks are starting off their year with a bright smile and a look of determination. They're posting their "three in a row" photos and their "back at it" statements. That's all wonderful. We need a few extra steps, if you want to be talking about those habits at the end of the year.

Habits Require Systems

Doing something for 22 times in a row does definitely improve your ability to pick up a new habit, but what REALLY charges the whole shebang is putting systems into place.

Change your life so that it supports the habit. You want to run early every morning? Set a "no matter what" bedtime (and only allow for 1 monthly rule breaking).

You want to see more sales? Set a "10 calls a day" system up. Write down the steps. Keep a list of steps to take, like a mini project plan, in place. (We go into this inside the 20 Minute Plan JUMPSTART.)

Habits Require Restarts

You will falter. You will fail. It'll happen sooner than later. Start again. I have a personal mantra "Day One." I say it when I mess up. Every day is day one. It means "start now." It means "Okay, you fell down. Get up."

Habits Require Less Emotion and More Work

If you spend your time wrapped up in pride and guilt, you're not working on the work. You're considering whether to praise or criticize yourself. Neither is helpful. Praise and criticism are the devil.

Habits Require Reward

If your goal is "Lose 50 Pounds" then aim for dropping one waist size in your pants. Aim for noticing your favorite shirt is loose. Aim for that "hey, a line I've not seen in a while" moment in the mirror.

Habits Require Completion (but Continuance)

Lots of people get "good enough itis" on the way to their goals. I lost 30 of the 50. Good enough. I made 10 calls a day for 40 days. Good enough.

Hit the goal. And then keep up the work.

Habits Require Maintenance

If you're going to stay powerful, you have to do those things that power you up. Habits are what keep the top people the top people. They never stop training for their wins. They never stop the efforts that got them to their goals. They keep moving forward.

Talk More With Me About This Weekly

2016 is a big year at Owner Media Group, the year of Personal Leadership. If you don't think of yourself as much of a leader, I'm here to change that. Get my newsletter to jump on board.I'm over here working on habits. You?

Chloe Forbes-Kindlen

Hi, friend! I’m here to help you build a profitable website, with ease! I do because I believe everyone has a right to the education and support needed to execute their mission.


The Rise of Personal Leadership


My 3 Words for 2016