Get Something In Their Hands

Jpeg If you procrastinate because you're waiting for something to be perfect, you're missing an amazing opportunity.

Everything I create, I do at least twice. I publish projects all the time that are good, but maybe something doesn't work the way I thought it would when it's in the hands of others. People know me by now and they say, "Hey, this doesn't make sense." Next thing you know, there's a better version of the product available for them (and everyone who now benefits from that person's suggestion).

Prototype With Intent

Put "good enough" in their hands. In MANY cases, people don't need perfect. Sure, there are times when you've got to deliver. A wedding cake has to be perfect. Surgery should be perfect. If you're building a house, you want it all to line up right (measure twice and cut once or something).

But if you're working on delivery and you're stuck on the "it might not be good enough," then put it out there to at least a few people. Make it cheaper than what others will pay when you get the quality right. Give the first bunch of people free upgrades (I give everyone free upgrades, but that's me).

And then deliver value with intent to make it even better.

Procrastination Isn't Helping Anyone

You know something that others need to know. And you're holding it back because of an onslaught of "what-ifs." My course, Online Course Maker started out as decent, then I remade it so that it was better, and then I really added a lot of value to it so that it's utterly worthwhile. If I had waited, I'd have missed a half a year of help and ideas, a half a year of revenue, and several hundred people would've missed half a year to get a jumpstart on the people who put off picking up that course.

You're not helping anyone when you wait. Again, unless you're a surgeon or something where you only have one shot to do it well. If not? Get it out there.Put something in their hands.

Chloe Forbes-Kindlen

Hi, friend! I’m here to help you build a profitable website, with ease! I do because I believe everyone has a right to the education and support needed to execute their mission.

My 3 Words for 2016


Stamping Your Digital Passport