Wait Where Did Yesterday Go

Chris Brogan and Harold Brogan

It's practically September, you know. The year is almost over. How much did you accomplish? Can you measure it in any way? Do you have any markers? I'll tell you straight out that I didn't do nearly enough to cover myself in this regard. I didn't track it well enough.

Wait: Where Did Yesterday Go?

To the positive, I've worked really hard at following the 20 Minute Plan. That means that I've put 3 hours of work towards my priorities in every single day. To the minus, I still didn't tighten up my goals enough, nor did I work a big enough and meaningful enough plan.

I worked from my 3 words and continue to do so, but I have to do even more to turn this into something actionable.

Time. We treat time as if it's infinite, and money as if it's finite. The opposite is true. Whatever days we spend not executing on what we say matters are days wasted.

If your family matters and you spend the day with them, that's not time wasted. If the beach brings you pleasure, time there is not wasted. It's that other time. It's the "eating hot dogs when you could be eating a filet" time.

Day One

Any time you feel yourself slipping, just start again. Start. Relentlessly start. Until you hit the finish line. But that means having a finish line. If you want to win, you have to know what winning means to you. Life and games with endless worlds and boundaryless expanses aren't our way. We must make things finite.

I don't know where yesterday went. It's gone. But it's time to work on now, on tomorrow, and on the plans that aren't yet solid enough. Join me.

More on this in my newsletter on Sunday. Get it, if you don't already?

Chloe Forbes-Kindlen

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