How to Blog for Your Business

Chris Brogan Writing posts on this blog has been a cornerstone of my business for quite a while now. I started blogging in 1998 (we called it "journaling" back then), but it wasn't really until somewhere around 2005 that I started figuring out how it would be part of my actual business (and by that, how it would be a way to make money).

How to Blog for Business

There are so many ways to look at this. You can choose to think of your blog as a media company, and stuff ads on it. I love ads, well, ads for things that make sense. The sidebar at [] is full of companies I strongly support. Some people think just putting any old ad on their site will work. Or Adsense. (And it does, for SOME sites. Especially if you have 500,000 monthly unique visitors, which I don't. I have only 200,000 or so.)You can use your blog to establish thought leadership. Lots of my consulting and speaking friends do this. I do it. There's a lot more money to be had in consulting and speaking than there is in advertising. (But why not do both?)You can create content that guides you to something you want to promote. I sure do that. Why, this very post is that, at some levels. I love this version, because if you do it right, there's some level of value given for free in the blog post, plus the hint that there will be even more value delivered in the offering.Or, you can use your blog to share a bit about who you are, your life, how you see the world, and that most definitely earns you some interesting opportunities, some of which are larger than everything I've covered above.Oh, there are many more ways to make money from your blog, if you do it right.

Want to Learn How to Do It Right?

Oh, sure you do! JOIN ME for a really fun, action-packed, detail-filled experience that will help you connect some long-lost dots. Sound like a plan?Build More Business With Your Blog.It'll be fun!

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