Find Intensity

I Command You to Grow I'll admit it. I'm obsessed at the moment with this video with CT Fletcher, Kai Greene, and Dana Linn Bailey. (NOTE: this video is FULL of curse words, so if you're a bit sensitive to such, do not push play). I'm obsessed for a reason. I'm thinking a lot about intensity.

The Vast Distance Between "Doing" and Intensity

I've been working on my fitness for a while. Those of you who follow me on Instagram have been subjected to my sweaty selfies for years. But two major changes have happened back to back, and in them, I've found a lesson (two!) to share with you.

Stick to the Plan - the first big mistake I've made over the last 3 years (sigh, when I think about that) is that I kept waffling between plans. The moment I STUCK to one plan (even if it's not the PERFECT plan), everything got better. Improvements were obvious and almost instantaneous. I've been doing a very specific workout plan for the last seven weeks, and suddenly EVERYTHING is showing progress.

Work with Intensity - there's a vast difference between doing the work and tearing the work apart. By magnifying my level of effort and intensity, by pushing my mental barriers as hard as I can, my physical abilities are amplifying much faster and with more deep results.

I Command You to Grow

This video is absolutely silly:Until you do it. Until you work right alongside Ms Olympia Dana Linn Bailey and the man I *HOPE* takes the 2014 Olympia, Kai Greene, and the man himself, CT Fletcher. Until you're right there in the grind with them, until you're whispering at your biceps "because I said so," until you force yourself to do set after set after set and with an immense amount of repetitions unlike your typical workout, you just won't know. You won't have felt it. But once you do, you'll know what that feels like and you'll do it again. And again.

The Naysayers

This comes from something that Grant Cardone covers in The 10X Rule. People will tell you why you can't do this. Someone will tell me I'm in danger of overtraining. (Precious few humans are in danger of overtraining, for the record.) People will tell YOU that you're working too hard, that you "deserve" a break. The word "deserve" coming from others is code for "I'm not doing nearly as much as you're doing." (tweet that?) It's your path. Take it just as hard and as driving as you can stand.

And Then, Find Another Gear

If you'd asked me a week ago about my progress in the gym, I'd have told you that I was on a whole new level. If you asked me that question yesterday, I'd say, "Well, I thought I was at a whole new level, but NOW I'm at a whole new level." What do you think my answer will be like in a few more months? Yeah. Exactly.

Do NOT stop. Do not think "okay, good. I did it." "Did" is just an invitation to a new "do." ( Quite tweetable!) Are you ready for more "do?" Find intensity.

Chloe Forbes-Kindlen

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