What I've Come to Learn About Learning

Blogging Webinar I've come to learn that I'm somewhat different than other people when it comes to learning. I'm there for the candy bar, not the wrapper. And yet, I understand it, after the fact. Let me explain.

People Want Their Learning to LOOK Very Formal

In my experience, I find that the best lessons I've ever learned came during "between official moments" experiences, after hours, in the back rooms, quietly over coffee somewhere, or in other very informal places. When we talk openly versus with all the polish is where the best lessons come, OR SO I BELIEVE MYSELF.

One point made about my recent webinar was that I should have had better lighting. Okay, maybe. But I've got to tell you a story. I was away from home. The hotel that charged me $20 for their "best" wifi also said when I called them to report that the wifi was spotty at best, "Well, that's how it goes." So, then Derek Edmond of KOMARKETING did the unthinkably kind offer of letting Jacq and I use his offices after hours without him around. Best wifi I've ever used. It was like in the future there.

But yes, the lighting wasn't an official studio lighting.

People Want Their Learning to be Very Linear

I understand this one. People want there to be a start, a summary, the details, another summary, etc. They want to learn in a very straight line.

I totally get that. I'm fascinated by taking the questions where they go. My style is a bit more: start here, follow this spine, but allow the learning to flow somewhat organically. I think I'm very much alone on this one.

Ultimately, People are Right and I'm Wrong

If I want you to try my delicious candy bar and I bring you a brown lump in a baggie, you're not going to try it.That's the lesson for the day. MY aesthetic isn't yours.That said, thanks to the 500+ people who participated, and for the dozens who have already started their first lesson of the course already (which has a nicer wrapper).I learn every day.

Chloe Forbes-Kindlen

Hi, friend! I’m here to help you build a profitable website, with ease! I do because I believe everyone has a right to the education and support needed to execute their mission.


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